
Hi! been forever since I last wrote to you. I've been busy with life, you see. Me and my partner have decided to set our sights into moving and working in Japan. Mostly me, since she's tied up in a pretty long contract due to a management trainee program.

So I've been toiling away, studying Japanese and trying to absorb more knowledge so that I can seem more employable while I toil away at my “temporary” work. It's a year-long contract which may or may not get renewed each time it ends.

My weird place and situation within this company makes it feel like I'm in a limbo. I'm at a place where I barely have any directives or goals, basically left to manage myself without really clear guidance on how to set targets or deadlines or even how to communicate them.

I feel like I'm missing something here. I don't think this is how you're supposed to work, but it's not like I want to ask for more work. So I'm applying for this internship in Japan hoping to broaden my horizon and level up my skills. Or maybe I'll just keep playing catch up because I can't start conversations properly, only keep it going somewhat.

Until then, at least a few weeks of this limbo until I hear back from that internship. Wish me luck!

Yours Truly, Singodimejo