On the matter of...

Blog Names

Names are a funny thing. Knowing one commands a tremendous power over a thing, yet are easily forgotten like yesterday's lunch. They can be an incantation, magically summoning a person to your presence; or a psychological spell to trigger thoughts, memories and associations in someone else's mind. Their power can be used, twisted and manipulated into something a bit more sinister: a brand.

Everything and everyone seems to be reduced to a brand these days. And the cornerstone of any noteworthy brand is, of course, a name. Something catchy, something memorable. It needs to roll off the tongue and give some sense of what the brand is even about.

All of which brings us to the matter of this blog. I don't even know for sure what I will do with it. I do know I have thoughts that, to put it lightly, bore the snot out of most people. Maybe it's a pointless level of nuance on a subject or treading the same tired pontification. So what better than to stick those thoughts into the galactic dumpster of cyber space known as the Internet.

And for a name? I'm sure I could spin my cognitive tires for weeks thinking of the “perfect” summation of intended direction, but fuck it.


I'm sure it has elements I'm looking for. Maybe you can tell me what it means to you. In the meantime, welcome to my broken brain.

Mastodon: @kryptonite@astral.camp