I like that name for a blog title. I have never been very good at actually coming up with a particular theme for a blog. I don't really know why I have to. I used to blog all the time when I was younger, and it really didn't matter if I had a theme or not.
So here I am, taking the same approach I've been trying to use with note-taking: write first, worry about the logistics later.
I think since I am an engineer, I want to make sure that whatever I do is future-proof, rigid, thoughtful, organized, etc. That just ends up keeping me in a stasis where instead of actually doing the thing I wanna do—write—I do anything else.
Anyway, a couple month ago I set up a tumblr and used the name “memorandom” for the blog. Well I like it too much for it to not be the name of my actual main blog, which is my intention for this space. So, I've renamed the tumblr and now this is the cool zone.
So hello! Welcome to memorandom. I'll be posting about everything in particular.
Be well 🕊️